Breast Implant Removal/Exchange

Home 9 Cosmetic Surgery and Treatments 9 Breast Implant Removal/Exchange

The goal of breast implant removal surgery is to remove breast implants from breast augmentation or breast reconstruction patients. During these procedures, the surgeon may also remove the breast capsule, which is the scar tissue that forms after the placement of a breast implant.

Often, the scar tissue that forms after the placement of an implant is soft and does not need to be removed, but it may harden, causing discomfort. This is often a reason to have the implants and capsule removed.

Breast implants may be exchanged as well and for any number of reasons. For example, there may be evidence of a rupture or leak; or the patient may desire a change in volume or type of implant. This decision is typically based on the individual and the patient’s needs and desires.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for breast implant removal/exchange ?
  • You are physically healthy
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are a nonsmoker
  • You are bothered by the appearance of your implants
  • You have experienced discomfort or pain
  • You feel your breasts are too heavy
  • You are starting to feel your breast scar tissue is getting harder or tighter
  • You have experienced a rupture or leak of implants
How much does a breast implant removal/exchange cost?

A breast implant (gel cohesive) exchange with a capsulectomy starts at $13,700. A breast implant (saline) exchange with a capsulectomy starts at $12,700 .The final cost of your treatments will be calculated on an individual basis in accordance with your needs. Additional charges may apply if the patient has a particular condition or if different surgeries are combined.

How can I control pain at home?

Dr. Zadeh will be giving you prior to the surgery, a prescription for pain medication to take home with you. That way, the medication will be at your disposal once you arrive home from the surgery.

Note: Make sure Dr. Zadeh knows about pain medications that have caused you problems in the past.

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