Breast Lift

A mastopexy, or breast lift, is a surgical procedure where the excess and saggy skin and tissue of the breast is reorganized so as to raise the nipples and areolas, giving the chest a more harmonious appearance.

Generally, patients who consider a mastopexy wish to give their breasts a younger and perkier appearance. A number of factors can influence breast shape; pregnancy, significant weight loss or age can cause the skin to stretch and lose elasticity, leaving breast tissue saggy and deflated. In medical terms, this condition is referred to as ptosis.

A breast lift rejuvenates the appearance of breasts by tightening the excess tissue in order to reposition the nipples and areolas. However, the volume of the breasts is not increased. In certain patients, this procedure is combined with a breast augmentation to improve the shape as well as the volume of the breasts.

Who is a good candidate for a breast lift ?

  • You are physically healthy and maintain a stable weight
  • You do not smoke
  • You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts sag or have lost shape and volume
  • Your breasts have a flatter, elongated shape or are pendulous
  • When unsupported, your nipples fall below the breast crease
  • Your nipples and areolas point downward
  • You have stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • One breast is lower than the other

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the procedure ?

The breast lift procedure in itself lasts approximately two and a half hours, but the surgery may be longer if combined with other procedures.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with a mastopexy?


As with any surgical procedure, your body’s protective barrier, i.e., your skin, is momentarily interrupted. In order to prevent postoperative infections, you will receive antibiotics before the surgery.

Despite the use of standard preventive measures and antiseptic techniques, there remains a slight chance of infection at the surgery site. An infection could cause redness, pain, heat or swelling in the breast. It may also cause a fever. We recommend that you contact us if you notice any of these symptoms, so that we may perform the appropriate tests and administer any necessary treatments.


During the surgery, Dr Zadeh is careful to cauterize the blood vessels, so as to minimize blood loss. It is normal for there to be traces of blood in your dressings. Bleeding rarely continues beyond the surgery and in few cases, a hematoma (accumulation of blood) may form in the breast.

If you experience significant and disproportionate pain in one of your breasts within 24 to 48 hours after your surgery, and/or if your breast seems bigger (swollen), contact us so that we may reexamine you prior to your follow-up appointment.

Does a breast lift affect breastfeeding?

As long as the tissue and ducts of the breast are not divided during surgery, all of the structures leading to the nipple (including lactiferous ducts, sensory nerve fibers and vital blood vessels) should remain intact.

Your ability to breastfeed may be altered however following a breast lift, assuming that you were fully able to breastfeed following pregnancy prior to the surgery.

Does a breast lift affect nipple sensitivity?

Nipple sensitivity may decrease following the procedure; although the risks are low.

Which type of breast lift is right for me?

Crescent Lift

The crescent lift is the surgical technique that will result in the least amount of scarring. This breast lift technique requires only one small incision, made near the top edge of the areola. That means there will only be one small scar following the surgery. However, this surgery is only for women with minimal sagging and is usually performed in conjunction with breast augmentation.

Anchor lift

One the other end of the spectrum is the anchor lift, the technique that is favored for women with significant sagging. Since the anchor lift is the most extensive type of breast lift surgery, it will result in the most breast lift scars of any breast lift technique.

Donut Lift

The middle ground between a crescent lift and anchor lift, the donut lift has only one incision made during the procedure; however, the incision is bigger, tracing a circle around the areola and will maybe be noticeable due to its size.

Lollipop Lift

A lollipop lift is one of the most common types of breast lifts, with your plastic surgeon making two small incisions in each breast to remove any excess tissue and skin. The incisions are made from the bottom of the areola to the crease below the breast as well as around the areola, resulting in a scar that can resemble a lollipop.

What will my breast lift scars look like?

Any incisions made during a breast lift will be extremely thin, with the focus being on minimizing scarring. While the incision(s) is thin, the breast lift scars will be very noticeable, with a red, raised appearance. As the wound heals, the scar will fade to pink and eventually turn white, as well as flatten out so it is no longer raised.

The Importance of Post-Surgery Care

The appearance of breast lift scars can change drastically based on your level of post-surgery care. If you are judicious about sunscreen application, you are on the right track to having barely visible scars. Direct sun exposure will make your breast lift scars more visible, so anytime you are outside and your breasts are somewhat exposed, make sure to apply plenty of sunscreen. Dr Zadeh will give you instructions as to the management of your scars, including the application of scar gels.

How can I control pain at home?

Dr. Zadeh will be giving you prior to the surgery, a prescription for pain medication to take home with you. That way, the medication will be at your disposal once you arrive home from the surgery.

Note: Make sure Dr. Zadeh knows about pain medications that have caused you problems in the past.

How much does the surgery cost?

The final cost of your treatments will be calculated on an individual basis in accordance with your needs. The cost of a mastopexy generally varies between $10,800 and $15,000. When combined with a breast augmentation, the total cost can range between $15,200 and $18,500. Additional charges may apply if the patient has a particular condition or if different surgeries are combined.

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